
Absoul flickit up lyrics
Absoul flickit up lyrics

absoul flickit up lyrics

So pretty much the whole time I've worked for this company I have not been able to use my CPAP. Submitted by TweetLexx to Crushes Ģ023.04.14 00:17 Snugglehumpikiss may get fired soon Im stupid.Īnyways thanks for reading this, and if you have questions or suggestions you can comment (and ofc I waiting your critic how tf i didnt manage to confess her my feelings in 7+ years 💀) 7+ years I have feelings for her, but I didnt manage to say her that. Lost her and my friends and be alone like before last summer, or still feeling pain in heart, but talk with her and her friends. One of my good friends is because of her.


Shes the one who help me to do something in my free time. She is the one who help me find new friends. I read that I need cut all conections with her but dimply I can't. I trying to push her away like not talking with her and etc. So let's go to these days - I'm trying to forget her (but simply can't), she spending time with him and his friends. His u know dream boyfriend - good looking, good grades, funny, have good hobby, live near her, spending time with her and etc. So u know we before that spend a lot of time together but she is very close to one of that classmates. Sixpacks, dream haircuts - "fuck boy" style dudes. She said she invited few of her classmates ( she is type of girl who is more friends with boys than girls and have a lot of boy friends) so then I met them. If I would say to her that I love her maybe we would be couple. After some time I heard that she broke with him. It's still hurts then your loved human is not with you. So after all that meeting I leaved first. I loved her and I wanted to be with me, but what I really want to her be happy. When she was with me she smiled not a lot. "Fuck boy" style boy vs dude who is overweight.

absoul flickit up lyrics

They was super close to each other : they go together, she wears his shirt and etc. That guy was that kind of "f ck boy" tipes dude. My plan was to take her in private and tell my feelings. She looked stunning (ofc i couldnt tell her because I'm idiot and I was scared). So she said she wants to meet, said it's gonna be our friends from discord (which I never saw in irl only from webcams). Yes i'm introvert that's why I couldnt meet new peoples and tell that i'm feeling to her. She helped me to meet new friends who are awesome peoples, I had to someone to talk. Until her my all friends was guys from school.

absoul flickit up lyrics

You know from that long time starting with you crush was strange, scary and funny. So last summer we started to talk in discord. Class was good, teacher was good (1 teacher was jerk, but all schools have that kind of teacher). ( There was times then we meet eachother because i live not that far). So years passed we didnt talked and my love to her still was. I promised that I will never make her sad. From that day then I saw her crying I started hating myself.

absoul flickit up lyrics

So she left our school because of our bulling (I think). We all boys was bunch of jerks (thats why a lot of girls left our class and go to another class I assume). I was skill kind of rookie in class and wanted to be with that "popular kids" so I did stupid things: act like idiot to make another peoples happy, making fun of girls (and her). There was moments I thought I like her: like she wanted do same projects in class and etc. But at that time she started to be friends with older guy (looks like they was couple but I'm not sure). So years passed and in like 5 or 6 class I understand that I love her. By that time I didn't understand I liked her, but what I understand (now) that she likes me (not confirmed :D ).

Absoul flickit up lyrics